Safe Zone
Send an anonymous message
You are now in the RG Safe Zone. You have experienced or witnessed discrimination yourself and want to talk about it? You have an idea how to promote inclusion in Roundnet or a question about another topic? Here you have the opportunity to send a message to the Roundnet Germany team completely anonymously and without providing any personal information. Your message will be forwarded to the Diversity & Inclusion department and answered as soon as possible. In the next step, after you have written your message, a random password will be generated. You have to remember this password, it is best to write it down. Later you can enter the password again on this page to receive your answer and reply to it yourself. We will try to answer your message immediately, but we ask for your patience if this is not the case.
Access the reply to your message
You have sent an anonymous message to Roundnet Germany? Please enter the generated password here now to view your personal reply and continue writing with us if you like.