RCB Spikings
RCB Spikings
Status of data: 21.07.24

Contact: Ronan Hardy (spikings.frankfurt@gmail.com)
After two years of being a park community founded by expats, we are now the roundnet section part of TG Bornheim. Highly international, we train two times per week indoor: Wednesdays (19h-21h) and Fridays (18h30-20h), then outside on weekends in parks. We train, have a great time and take part in liga and tournaments.
Alessio SalzanoFrankfurt am Main
Antonella Valerio
Ayoub El Kouri
Benedikt WichtlhuberFrankfurt am Main
Daniel Roehrkasse
François PeyratoutFrankfurt
Jana Gra
John O Broin
Joshua Morrison
Kevin SauerFrankfurt am Main
Konstantin Weil
Lion Story
Lucas Simon
Lukas Greb
Mario Morelli
Marla RohFrankfurt
Marvin Thomas069
Merle Bitter
Minh-Thi NgoFrankfurt am Main
Moritz R
Octavio Cardona Garcia
Raik Borkowski
Rebecca Maitra
Rebekka Hinze
Ronan HardyFrankfurt am Main
Sebastian Jux
Sophia Oertmann
Staney GeorgeGoa
Theresa HenkeFrankfurt