National Team

Out of more than 50 players who qualified for the two Sighting Days, the five team managers nominated 15 male and 9 female players who will represent Germany at the first Roundnet World Championship. Five men's teams, three women's teams and one mixed team together with six reserve players will compete in Belgium and fight for every point.

Lukas Eisenträger
Roundnet 069
As part of arguably the most dominant team Germany has seen in years, we are happy to announce that Lukas Eisenträger from Frankfurt will also be part of the German national team at #RoundnetWorlds2022! Lukas has been wowing us for many years with his exceptional game, so we are especially excited that he will be part of the best national team in the world! We are looking forward to strong serves, brilliant defensive performances and many, many highlight plays at the World Championship. close
Paul Siemer
1. Roundnet Club Köln
A kind-hearted person and one of the most gifted and best Roundnet players in Europe ... This is our Little Paul. Born in Saarland and former competitive footballer, he experienced an absolutely rapid rise in the german capital of Roundnet, Cologne, and has already been awarded the "Most Artistic Player" award and has dominated the German men's Roundnet scene with his new team partner Lukas Eisenträger ever since. After the title of the first official German University Champion, Paulchen naturally wants to win three more titles this year, Bayern Munich style. The goal of Team Eisenträger/Siemer is the German championship title, victory at the European Championships in Ireland and the World Championships in Belgium. close
Julia Stadler
Karlsruher Kojoten
Hardly any German player has made more of a name for herself in recent years than Julia Stadler. She has won everything there is to win in Europe and now, on the biggest stage ever in the history of our sport, she is there and will do everything in her power to ensure a successful German participation. Welcome to the German national team Julia Stadler! She impresses with her high-flying defense and has made many offenses despair. Get ready for strength, precision and irrepressible willpower! close
Tina Gulden
OBB Roundnet Wendland
We are very happy to present Tina Gulden as our next national player! She has developed into one of the best German players in the last two years. This year her efforts were crowned by the victory at the German University Championships. In addition to her characteristic headgear, Tina stands out for her outstanding technical variability and her boundless commitment and motivation. Hardly anyone pushes themselves more at the net than Tina. Looking ahead to the World Championships, one thing is for sure: the HYPE is real! close
Till Spitznagel
Black Forest Monkeys e.V.
As one of Germany's youngest and most electric players, we are pleased to welcome Till Spitznagel from Freiburg to the German national team. He inspires with his incredible technique and an overwhelming coolness for his age. As winner of this year's Mallorca Open and the Masters in Karlsruhe, Till was able to prove that he is not to be trifled with. He may be young, but there are few players who can shine with as much game knowledge and experience as Till. close
Johannes Kopfmann
Red Eagles - Roundnet Berlin
Together with Till, Johannes has already been able to celebrate incredible successes in his younger years. But not only his successes so far, but also his easy-going manner makes the top players worldwide shiver. The team "Serve and Body" around Till and Johannes left the international Roundnet community (in particular Buddy Hammon) shaken when they mercilessly blew away all other teams in Mallorca. You could almost say that roundnet wise, they are "Flawless". close
Saskia Benter
1. Roundnet Club Köln
Impressing all of Germany and Europe with her immense development this year we are extremly happy to welcome Saskia from Hamburg on board of our National Team for the 'RoundnetWorlds2022. Her Pressure on the Net and hard hitting Abilities led her to 5 Podiums at the German Roundnet Tour and a win at the EURA Grand Slam in Riga. Worlds, you better look out for her! Because she will crush her opponents while smiling away at them. close
Alexa Peusch
Roundnet Ravens Marburg
Attention, attention! Fasten your seatbelts and put on your helmet, because now we present you the best female server in Germany: ALEEEXAAAA PEUSCH! But not only because of her insane cutserves a nomination for the national squad was not up for discussion. Mental toughness, consistency and ice-cold finishes are also among the strengths of the reigning German champion and Grand Slam winner. We are more than happy to have this international top player with us! close
Mario Bürkle
When you are receiving and see the ball flying 2 meters past your hands, it was propably Mario serving. No matter the circumstances, when he is getting hot on the 7 foot line there is no standing against him. Thats why we are incredibly grateful to announce he is playing on our side of the net at #RoundnetWorlds2022 in Belgium. His serving pressure together with his flawless technique, incredible body blocks and game knowledge are a great addition to our Team. close
Jan Umlauft
Roundnet Club Bonn e.V.
Once part of a promising German national volleyball team, Jan Umlauft from Bonn has also played his way into the hearts of Roundnet Germany and directly into the German national team. He knows exactly what it takes to be successful internationally and comes with a lot of technical finesse and gazelle-like body control. He only started playing Roundnet in 2021 and is one of the fastest developing players Germany has to offer. His incredible training ambition, experience and mental fortitude have catapulted him onto the biggest stage and we are extremely happy to have him on our team. Don't let his size fool you, this guy is faster and nimbler than you can imagine! close
Theresa Knauf
Roundnet Raccoons
Resi has been a part of the Roundnet Raccoons from the very beginning and one of the heart of the Kassler community. Resi has already been runner-up in the German University Championship this year and has worked hard and absolutely deserved his way into the national team. High consistency in dangerous serves coupled with an outstanding defensive performance and a will and commitment that is second to none make Resi a "weapon" on the Roundnet set. In addition to all the sporting skills, Resi inspires us all again and again with her magical and absolutely contagious laughter :) close
Kristina Dettmann
Roundnet Aale Altona
Taking 3rd Place at German Nationals in 2021 Krissi came out of nowhere. Since then she drives opponents crazy with her incredible agility and defensive strength. Winning 4 tournaments this year we are proud to announce that Kristina will be part of our National Team at this years World Championship in Belgium. Undoubtedly the her defensice conversions aswell as her drive to win will help our Team to a successful participation. Welcome on board Krissi! close
Georg Seiffarth
1. Roundnet Club Köln
As a former tennis player and sports student, Georg has all the necessary skills for a brilliant roundnet player. Hardly anyone caresses the ball as gentle as our Roundnet Schorsch. There is hardly a player who has a looser wrist, masters the star-shaped body block better and has a faster start on the first steps than Georg. We are pleased and proud to have Roundnet Schorsch from @1.roundnetclubkoeln in the German national team. close
Philipp König
VC Freudenberg Roundnet
If ambition had a name, it would be Philipp König! With a very strong performance at this year's tournaments, he has also earned a place in the German national team. He convinced us with high consistency, speed and mental toughness! Especially in high-pressure situations, Philipp really performs at his best. We are therefore more than sure that he will play his part in the miracle of Molenheide! close
Nora Haas
Nora Haas, 29
Peacocks Paderborn
Nora has been a big part of Roundnet Germany since its inception and shines off the net with her dedication and commitment. At the net she convinces with incredible hits, convincing defense and wild chest sets. We are happy to welcome Nora to the national team and are full of anticipation to see what she can achieve with her partner at the Mixed World Cup. close
Peer Kanis
Red Eagles - Roundnet Berlin
After his uncle gave him this strange plastic game for Christmas, it took a year for Peer to finally get involved with it in 2020. He immediately got hooked. The Berlin tradition to do a creative serve on matchpoint aka backspin-time can be traced back to him. The professional and successful mixed player always wears a NetUp ribbon on his left foot. "Ick bin ein Berliner" - JFK close
Clemens von Hänisch
1. Roundnet Club Köln
There is hardly a more nimble weasel on and around the net than Clemens von Hänisch. Clemens is the defense machine and the tournament player of the German Roundnet scene par excellence and one of the two reigning German champions. In addition to his serves, Clemens is particularly enthusiastic about strong, flat finishes and his signature move, the CvH Flick, in which any normal person would ruffle or break their wrist. We are looking forward to a promising team combination with Felix Arnoldy from Regensburg. close
Felix Arnoldy
Roundnet Rabbits Regensburg
Incredible serves, wonderful body blocks and ridiculous off-net shots. If you want to combine these things in one person, you get Felix Arnoldy. We are overjoyed to announce that he will be part of the German national team at the upcoming World Championship in Belgium. The Regensburg native has us under his spell and now we can't take our eyes off him anymore. There's absolutely no doubt that he'll blow you away, too. Beware of the beast, that is Felix Arnoldy! close


Josha Lauterbach
Roundnet Heidelberg beim TSV Handschuhsheim
Whether it's table tennis, handball, american football, badminton, tennis (we could go on endlessly) he's been through all sports. Roundnet is currently at the top of his list and with the backing of the whole of Heidelberg, the multi-talent now is ready to step in. The lefty does not only impress with his serves, he also convinced with his playfulness and strong finishes on the international stage. Hold on tight for the all-rounder of Germany. close
Rosa Frietsch Musulin
Karlsruher Kojoten
Rosa from Karlsruhe is a true power house. Left Hand, Right Hand, it doesn't matter. Paired with her ridiculous serving their is hardly any chance u even touch the Ball when she is swinging. She truly deserved her spot winning this years Winterclash in Kassel and having strong performances in every tournement she played in. close
Matthias Dreiling
1. Roundnet Club Köln
Matti is one of the fastest, most agile players in the roundnet scene. The former goalkeeper is therefore often called a cat by his friends and teammates, because hardly any player gets so many soft touches in the defense. Feared by the opponents is above all the dropshot serve with which Matti already brought one or the other top player to despair. Away from the sports field, Matti inspires countless students in sports and mathematics as a teacher. close
Lucca Hardes
Roundnet Münster
When it comes to Roundnet in Germany and you think of technique and talent, on name pops into mind. Lucca Hardes. The student from Münster is already feared for his strong serving and irresistible finishes. Despite his young age he is a known name for years getting 3rd Place at last years German Nationals and winning the Bavaria Open 2021. The scary thing is, he only keeps getting better. close
Ronja Lorenz
Roundnet Stuttgart
The rising star from Stuttgart is truly one to look out for. Starting to play tournaments, not even a year ago she took the Roundnet stage in a storm. Incredible fast Serves and her atheltic abilities made her one of Germanys Top female Players.The supplement of having a flexible playstil make her the perfect alternate partner for every Team and a scary enemy for everyone in Belgium. close
Fabian Claus
Roundnet Raccoons
Beeing one of the most experienced Players Germany has to offer, Fabi for sure is the hardest hitter Germany has to offer. His insane finishes, his variability and great communication makes everybody want to play with him. We are proud to announce this most friendly and sportsmanlike person will be Part of our National Team as an alternate! Be aware World, because Fabi is taking aim at you. close


Paula König
1. Roundnet Club Köln
The German womens vice champion of 2021 had high hopes for this year. Due to injury she had to pass this season aswell as this years World Championship. Just the way she is, Paula immediatly applied to be part of our national manager team. Since then she is giving it 110% to help Germany beeing successfull in Belgium. Her gameknowledge, talent for organisation and great know-how of the German Roundnet scene came in extremly handy for the selection of our national squad. We don't know how she can keep her feet still but nevertheless we are happy she is there to help our Team on the Road to #RoundnetWorlds2022. close
Lukas Schmandra
1. Roundnet Club Köln
Playing since 2016 and beeing founder of Roundnet Germany he is the face, heart and soul of our sport. Winning the Award of Community-Heart 2021 with almost 50% of all votes says everything there is to say about "Mr. Roundnet Germany" (Name change incoming?). Don't let his age and cheeky smile fool you. He still got quit some moves which his freshly earned Pro Status and victory at German College Championship shows where he carried his teammate Paul Siemer all the way to victory. Jokes aside, there is no better person to coach and support our National Team. We couln't be happier to have him and his knowledge as addition to our team. Welcome Lukas! close
Konni Schwarz
Roundnet Würzburg beim SV Oberdürrbach
Calm as a cucumber, Konni is the anchor for the whole Team. The lefty from Würzburg is the exactly right Person to go to, when pressure is getting the better of you and his analyzing skills helped many Teams snitch away the win. Achieving double Podium himself at the Masters in Freundenberg his tactical understanding will be very helpful in Belgium. Beeing an institution in the german Roundnet scene we are extremly thankful he choose to support our National Team this year! close
Jannik Riedler
Red Eagles - Roundnet Berlin
Jannik is a fresh board Member at Roundnet Germany e.V. and chairman of the Berlin Roundnet Community. We wish you good luck if your are looking for a more enthusiastic Person then Jannik. Its sure to say he has Roundnet pumping through his veins, helping everybody while beeing inexhaustible. Him and his job as's a perfect match! Happy to have you Jannik! close
Jan Petersen
Roundnet Sharks Kiel
Roundnet addicted. Tinkerer. Community man. Analyst. There are countless other apt descriptions for this up-and-coming young player and coach. JP is the heart of the roundnet community Kiel and hardly anyone thinks through roundnet tactically and technically as intensively and well as he does. His professional knowledge, his own playing skills and mediation skills as well as his wonderful human nature enrich the German roundnet national team immensely. JP would also have been qualified for the scouting days as a player, but decided to be one of the coaches, which no one lives more than he does. We are all incredibly grateful for this and take our hats off to our roundnet guru - JP ❤️ close

All german rosters