National Team

Euros 2023 will be held in Padua, Italy. The german coaches selected 16 players who will represent Germany. Three men's teams, three women's teams together with four alternate players will compete in Italy and fight for every point.

Paul Siemer
1. Roundnet Club Köln
Paul has already been one of Germany's best players for years. But the leap and the increase in performance he has made since last year still came as a surprise to many. He literally catapulted to the top of the German roundnet scene and is not without reason considered perhaps the best player in Europe. The Cologne native impresses with his artistry and athleticism and simply makes the sport look like no other. As reigning European Mixed Champion, Paul is not only traveling to Italy to defend a title. After the, for them disappointing, 3rd place at the European Championship 2022 he wants to start a second attempt to get the title together with Lukas as Eisenträger/Siemer. close
Lukas Eisenträger
Roundnet 069
After the reigning German champion was unable to play at last year's Worlds due to illness, the Frankfurt native was finally able to show what he can do on the international stage this year. No matter if it's sets, serves, finishes or outstanding defense - Lukas is an absolute all-rounder at the highest level and has been setting the standard in Germany for years with his technique. As Eisenträger/Siemer he is part of the probably most feared team in Europe and it is probably no surprise that this team will also compete for Germany at the European Championships. Victories in Paris, Cologne, Würzburg, Stockholm, and Marburg... Padua would fit right in. close
Yvo Heinen
Munich Roundnet Community e.V.
The Munich resident not only shines with speed, strong technique and full commitment in every rally. Also from the service line Yvo has a repertoire to offer that has driven many opponents to desperation. The "Most Improved Player from 2021" was able to achieve victories in Munich, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Schaffhausen this year with his artistic style of play, as well as various other strong finishes, including a 3rd place in Prague. In addition to his playing skills, the cheerful nature enriches the team off the net with his easy-going and open manner. Together with Fabi, Yvo competes for Germany and this duo definitely has the potential to keep up with the best in Europe... if not more. close
Fabian Claus
Roundnet Raccoons
Already early in the year with victories in Siegerland and at the Berlin Invitational Fabi shows where this year goes for him. The player from Kassel shines not only with an incredible amount of power in his serves and finishes, but also with his overview, understanding of the game and finesse. Thanks to his mental strength, he is a permanent guest on the podium and everyone is happy that he is on our side of the net at the European Championship. Fabi has the ability to bring out the best not only in himself but also in his partner. In the absence of his usual teammate Josha, Yvo takes over at Fabi's side. This combination of power and speed has already been able to shine in two joint tournaments, both of which they won. And all good things come in threes... close
Julian Krehle
Roundnet Darmstadt
The new face in the national team has demonstrated outstanding consistency this season by consistently finishing in the top ranks, despite constantly changing playing partners. Especially in close matches he often has the upper hand. Julian has long been known for his strength of serving, but his technical skills also reflect great confidence. With his tournament victories in Göttingen and Mainz as well as the third place at the German championship in mixed, he drew particular attention to himself. In the constellation with Lucas, who is very similar to his own playing style, Julian will compete for Germany at the upcoming European Championship in Padova and we are sure that he will impress us once again with his performances. close
Lucas Christiani
Torpedo Phoenix Roundnet Dortmund
At the beginning of the year, no one has been aware of the Dortmund newcomer. His almost explosively increasing performance is proven by eight first placements and the highest RGX value in the men's ranking in the interim. Within half a year, Lucas has reached the top of the German Roundnet and has now been able to establish himself there. Lucas and Julian are two similar types of players who show great flexibility regarding their playing partners. A team that certainly not everyone expected, but will be an enormous boost for the German national team in Padua. close
Ronja Lorenz
Roundnet Stuttgart
Ronja has developed into one of the best all-rounders in a very short time. She benefits from her strong serves, but can count on her skills in every area of the sport. Thanks to her flexibility with diffrent partners she managed to put herself among the best at national and international tournaments, like Paris, Cologne or London. Meanwhile she is one of the best players in Europe and we know that there is still a lot of room for improvement. We are very happy to have Ronja at our squad, because after her debut in London she alos wants to make a clear statement together with Tina as team "Real Talk" at the European Championship, which will succeed without a doubt. close
Tina Gulden
OBB Roundnet Wendland
Last year's national player proved this year again why she belongs in this team. Not only did she have many top finishes at German tournaments, but she was also very successful abroad. The Münster native's strong serves, technically superior finishes and buttery smooth sets help her pursue her goals and one of them is to always play to win! Since Tina is competing this year without a fixed playing partner, she will compete at the European Championships in Italy together with Ronja, who has a similar situation... a perfect match! The two complement each other brilliantly on and off the court and will show how strong the German women's roundnet is. close
Nora Haas
Nora Haas, 29
Peacocks Paderborn
This year, hardly anyone has as many outstanding tournament results to show as Nora. The Kassel native travels to one tournament after the other and no matter how strong the field is, Nora almost always ends up on the podium! If anyone lives Roundnet, it's her and what's more, she continues to improve her game. With her clever finishes, as well as strong blocks, she hardly leaves a ball untouched and when her serves are added to that.... After playing for Germany in the mixed competition at the World Championships last year, she now wants to challenge the women's competition with her partner Krissi and will undoubtedly shake it up. close
Kristina Dettmann
Roundnet Aale Altona
When it comes to defense, Krissi is hardly anyone's equal. Her incredible instinct to be in the right spot generates one touch after another and makes her extremely dangerous for every opponent. The player from Hamburg already played herself into the spotlight last year with strong consistency and also proved her playing class at the World Championship. An absolute benefit for the entire team. As a well-rehearsed duo with Nora, she will be competing for Germany this year. To have a team with such class and individual strengths is extremely valuable and the two are absolutely ready to play their part in the success. close
Alexa Peusch
Roundnet Ravens Marburg
Alexa travels to Italy as the defending champion. And not only that, she is also once again the newly crowned German Mixed Champion. With titles like these, it's hardly surprising that the Giessen native is once again part of the national team. With an overview like hardly anyone else and an incomparable power, she has been playing her way from success to success for years and the whole team benefits from her experience. Already last year she could show with Theresa how much potential this team has and with a strong performance at the Major in Toulouse they underlined this again. We are curious to see how far this mutual complement of energy and will to win will take them. close
Theresa Knauf
Roundnet Raccoons
Honored with the RG Award for "Rising Star 2021", Resi shows again and again how much potential she has and how artistic Roundnet can be. Jumps without regard to her body, full-speed touches and spot-on sets from 10 meters. The Kassel native shows in her game what artistry and speed are all about and also has a textbook technique to show for it. It's great to have you in the squad again this year Resi! Her up-and-coming energy and will to constantly improve are complemented this year by Alexa's playing level and experience. This promising combination almost guarantees to make a deep run at the European Championships. close


Julia Stadler
Karlsruher Kojoten
Julia was able to create a particularly defining moment at last year's World Championships together with Tina, when they only had to admit defeat to the US Americans in a breathtaking and exciting final. The will to win and the mental strength of the European Champion of 2019 and German Champion of 2021 are not to be mistaken at the net and since the beginning of her Roundnet career she has been playing at the top of the international scene. She shines with her technically flawless, energetic and particularly agile style of play. Together with her sister Franziska she enriches the German national team and hardly any other nation can enjoy such a high quality of alternate players. close
Franziska Stadler
Munich Roundnet Community e.V.
After her serious injury last year, everyone was thrilled to see her playing again this year. With steadily increasing performances she climbs her way more and more back to the top and distinguishes herself with her experience and her attitude not to give up on any ball. The team "MRC Stadlers" alone causes panic in so many opponents and that she and her sister Julia are additionally known for delivering when it counts the most is even better. We are super happy to have such a strong asset in the team this year with Franziska. close
Tim Klement
Roundnet Ravens Marburg
As one of the newcomers of the year Tim's performance curve shows a steep upward trend. Together with Marcus he was able to secure a strong 6th place at the German Nationals and also convinced this year with several podium finishes. The player from Marburg shines especially with his natural understanding of the game, exemplary athleticism and quick reflexes. We are happy that he could already make the jump into the team this year... But how high will the Roundnet jewel go in the next few years? close
Marcus Gauterin
Roundnet 069
Marcus is living Roundnet like no other. Since years he can be found at almost every tournament, he is not only a valuable addition to the national team as a person or through his commitment and dedication. He is also constantly improving his game and is now one of the elite German players and recently showed what he is capable of with a strong 4th place at the last Masters in Kiel and a magnificent 6th place at this year's German Nationals. Therefore the nomination is well deserved and we are glad to have him as part of the team. close


Jan Petersen
Roundnet Sharks Kiel
After the all-around successful World Championship 2022 in Molenheide, the coaching team experiences a major transformation, but an important constant remains in the team: JP! The Northerner from Kiel enjoys high esteem from Germany's top players in his role as coach. Those who have had the pleasure of experiencing his coaching quickly realize that JP is a tactical genius with a focused, analytical perspective. With his authenticity and 100% dedication, he successfully delivers his critiques and incentives constructively to the players. But as a player himself, he has also excelled since 2022, achieving outstanding rankings with different partners at the highest level of play in Germany. Due to his repeatedly demonstrated expertise and reliability, as well as his valuable experience as the national coach in last year's World Championship, we are very pleased to have Jan on board in the future as well. close
Christin Gerecke
Roundnet Hildesheim
With Christin as the national coach, the association has made an absolute stroke of luck. Not only does she demonstrate her organizational skills in her work in the league department, but she has also shown her prowess as a player with 4 podium placements in 2023, proving her abilities. Hailing from Hildesheim, she is well-versed in both women's and mixed categories and shines with her extensive knowledge and expertise regarding the players, being known as a warm, open, and extremely charismatic person. Few people are as active in tournaments, going to great lengths not only to improve her own game but also to help others develop their skills. Christin wrestled with the decision not to pursue her own chance and try to make it into the national team, but she chose instead to offer her skills as a national coach. We are all the more thrilled to welcome such a strong player to the team! close
David Geld
Roundnet Münster
The stalwart of the Münsteraner community has not only established himself athletically but, above all, through his incredible volunteer commitment to Roundnet Deutschland. While he often instills fear in many opponents with his serves at the net, the elementary school teacher is always ready to lend a listening ear to everyone off the court and engages in technical and tactical discussions with his friendly and amicable manner. After leading the Münsteraner team to the vice-championship this winter as the captain, he is now offering his expertise and organizational talents as the national coach, making him an invaluable addition to the team! In addition to his extensive sports experience, David brings his structural and communicative skills to the team, along with his playing expertise... so all that's left for us to do is say thank you! close

All german rosters